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#BlackWomenVote, a nonpartisan voter-activism campaign powered by Higher Heights is the leading, independent and trusted voice for Black women leading up to 2024 and beyond.

#BlackWomenVote provides the latest election news, commentary and tools for Black women to prepare to vote, and get out the vote within their social networks. We are reaching Black women all across the country to activate their networks and giving them the tools to raise their voice, cast their vote and flex our collective voting power.


Higher Heights is the leading national organization exclusively dedicated to advancing Black women’s political power by ensuring they have the tools to engage, advocate and lead in their personal and professional communities. Higher Heights Leadership Fund, a 501(c)(3), is building political power and leadership of Black women all the way from the ballot box to elected office.

Election Day
Election Day Tuesday, November 05, 2024 11:59 pm 101

Will you join the Pledge?
Pledge to be a Higher Heights Voter.

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